Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Letter to Maddison post from MOM!!!

Where do I start... First off I must say this is Maddisons Mom!! Yes I have officially figured out how to get onto her Blog and write something, because that last post about us mad me laugh so hard I cried huge crocodile tears onto the computer keyboard, I literally could not breath while I was trying to read it out loud to my husband! Maddison is such a wonderful daughter, she has been wonderful to us since the day she was born. She really didn't cry when she was born she just had this fascination with looking around and finding her Dad and I and fixing her eyes right on us! She was precious and sweet since the minute she enter the world! She smiled within the first week of her life, and giggled out loud a few days later, we found out this was not normal, and she continued to do everything early as the weeks and months went on, she didn't act like the other toddlers her age, she was smarter and quicker and I knew she was gifted! She walked at 9 months and ran by 10 months, she sang all the time from the time she figured out how to use her HUGE vocal cords! Maddison did not cry like all of the other babies in nursery she looked at them like what are you wasting your time doing that for. She has been mature beyond her years even as a few months old! This little red dress I made for her at three months old, the fact that she held her head up and posed for the camera blew the photography studios mind. That's my girl, she was a little model even then!
Maddison was born with her Dads big huge smile, her mouth when she opened it really wide made me take a second look, we called her then the flip top head and we call her that now, she can literally fit her whole fist in her mouth. I don't know many people that can do that, but she and her Dad most certainly can! This picture below was her 6 month old picture and she could not have been sweeter and happier about posing for the camera! I bought her these flat bottomed shoes that were about a size too big and she would pull herself up and balance on them trying to show me she could stand on her own and sure enough a few days after we got those shoes she was standing on her own, it was amazing!
Maddison has loved the piano from the time she was born too, her grandma Carol would sit her on her lap almost every day and she would play while Maddison plinked away as though she was playing the song right along with her, this went on for years and years until Maddison begged for lessons from her Grandma in Kindergarten, she caught on so quickly and blew us all away, her love for piano is still evident in her daily life today, she will sit down at the piano almost any spare chance she gets in the day will play song after song after song. I love it!
When she started to talk and walk she loved the videos from My Little Pony, she sang the intro song to those videos all the time. My little pony is still her favorite and she keeps her pink starlight pony right by her bed to this day.
Our little 2 year old dressed up and ready for her close up. She was such an active little girl, she would not sleep in her own bed until she was 31/2 she slept right in the middle of her Dad and I, we both didn't mind a bit either, we would look at her precious face as she slept and talk about how much joy she brought into out lives every day! She had the cutest little British accent at this age and she started Preschool at 3 and cried each time I would drop her off, it broke my heart and made me happy all at the same time. She would fight for that pink carpet mat to sit on during story time till the death, they finally had to invest in a few more pink mats. Her favorite thing to play with in Preschool was the kitchen area with the baby dolls and shopping carts and baby strollers. She was always the Mom and would boss the other little kids around. She has and always will by my girlie girl and I love it.
I'll never forget how she loved to please her Dad and I, she would clean her room and was always so proud to have us come in and see all of her hard work, her eyes would light up and her huge smile was worth a million bucks! She wanted to go to school and learn to read and do math for as early as I can remember, she would play school at home and started reading before she started kindergarten, I remember the teacher telling me that Maddison would read the books to the whole class every day during story time in Kindergarten. She has always had a love for good books and even now she reads huge books week after week. She has a huge imagination and I remember when she was reading all of the Harry Potter Books she would keep her wands (sticks from the yard) by her bed and she really thought she was a real wizard, she talked in the accent and wore a cape around the house for months. I do have to admit I told her in a very serious conversation that I could fly when I was younger and that I was a real wizard she lit up and knew right then and there that because she was my daughter, she was a real wizard too.

By the time she was five she was in love with this video called Fern Gully, she had even made up an imaginary friend and called him Fern Gully. I remember being in our first Cabin and hearing her upstairs talking and singing and I really though someone was up there with her, I called up and asked her who she was talking to, she said "Oh, I'm dancing and talking to Fern Gully" It freaked me out but she eventually grew out of it...I think...I do hear her up in her room every so often these days talking and singing and no one is there when I peak in... so idk :)
She was a pink ballerina for all of her childhood, she had a new pink leotard and tutu every Christmas because she wore them out, she would wear them day in and day out dancing and singing and performing for us all the time. She loved dance class at this age and each night she would read all of the Angelina Ballerina books 10 times in a row. She has always brought such a light and joy to our lives when ever she is in our presence! I love and value Madisons funny personality, her crazy silly side, and her caring loving and mature nature. I have so much more I can write about Maddison and I will get back on this blog and write some more when I get some more time! Maddison you light up my life and I love you so very, very, much! I could not even think up or dream up a better daughter than you. I am so glad you were born into our family and make our lives so fun and exciting. I am going to bawl for a year when you go off to college but I will be a phone call away!
Love, Love, Love, and hugs and kisses, MOM