Saturday, January 2, 2010

The Rents, The Family.

I guess this is how it started. My parents, I mean. They've always been funny. Always been comical and entertaining. I mean, I've heard the way they met almost a million times. I think my mom forgets that I've heard how she played him in one-on-one basketball and followed him around until he finally went on a first date. And I won't ever hear the end of how HOTT my dad was in college and how all the girls "swooned" over him and his elf type green spandex jogging pants:) Which I have to say are one of the things that my dad does, that makes me laugh so hard my stomach hurts. Anyways, I kind of neglect my parents and don't take them and show them how much I appreciate them that often. They are awesome. My dad always has a way of making the funniest faces while he talks. One of the reasons why I laugh when he yells "FREAK OF NATURE" trying his best to make me scared. It's like watching a Will Ferell movie. I love it:)
My mom loves taking pictures. I mean LOVES taking pictures. Hence, my dad always tries to pose. Malibu got his genes, because she can't pose either. You will see in short time.

My parents think I'm kind of crazy, but HEY! They love me. When I was a baby, my dad rocked me back and forth singing "Maddi Poopie Pontie, Can't Poop Anymore, Maddi Poopie Pontie, Can't Poop Anymore" until I pooped. One time, My parents went camping, and the forest ranger told them not to have any food whatsoever in the tent at night because there's grizzly bears in the area. At two in the morning my dad woke up to a rustling sound and my mom goes "Rob! Want a Reese's or a Snickers, OH OH or a Charleston Chew!?"
Those are my parents for you:)

I will never hear the end of the bear story. We all went on a little canoeing trip on my grandma's land, my Dad didn't let us paddle and he was pulling us with a rope attached to the front of the canoe, and I was like "Dad, listen!" he stopped and listened, and it sounded like some grunting noise. And I've never seen my dad so scared. He was like "arhghsdngnskeifn! La! La! La!" as loud as he could, running in water, forgetting where the deep ends were so he fell in screaming. When we got to the shore, we decided it was only a four wheeler or a chainsaw, but my dad lives to tell the story of the "BIG BAD BEAR" :)

Aren't they great? The other day, or month, Me and my boyfriend and his cousin went to drop off a dress at my house. Knowing my dad would make me stay home, I texted my mom and told her I was putting the dress at the door. When I did that, I heard my Dad's footsteps. I ran for it. Trying to do sign language and tell Brenden to start the car, my dad came running out after me with his salad bowl in hand yelling "WAIT!!! WHERE ARE YOU GOING!!!" Brenden, being so wonderful, didn't start the car and got out to talk to my dad. We stayed there for like an hour. But it was the funniest thing. We could not stop laughing.

One time, in the middle of the night, my parent's bedroom door slammed shut and my mom woke my dad up and said someone was in the house. My dad got up, sprinted to the door and pushed the little lock button.

She layed there and looked at him, "Great, now all the kids are going to die. "

So my dad went and got his baseball bat. and he was like

"I'm like the dude from the movie Signs, nobody will get away from me and my baseball bat!"

While my dad was roaming the house looking for the house avenger, my mom called the police. She didn't want them to come in the house because that would be annoying. So she said "I heard a THUD."

The police came over to inspect the so called "Thud spot" which was in the back yard. There are windows in the living room where my dad happened to be with his baseball bat, boxers, and crazy hair. When a police officer shined the light in the living room. My dad saw him and waved frantically, saying
"HAIII!!! How are you? Whats up dog -home -slice- shake- and- bake- Ricky -Bobby?" After the police officer left and my parents were back in their rooms, My mom said to my dad,

"The window was open, It's windy outside, and that slammed the door"

And Robert and Tricia save the day:)

Last year for sweethearts, right before pictures, my mom put this on. It should be burned. Everyone in the family was BEGGING her to take it off. But she wouldn't. It's okay because now she can see what it looked like. And then she will kill me:) I'm ready though, I'll be upstairs reading Mom!

My mom has hott friends. They do yoga together.

My parents are always there for me. If it comes to mean friends, to watching paranormal activity and sleeping in their bed. I cannot confirm nor deny that I may or may not have slept in their bed because that is embarrassing. But since I put the sweater picture of my mom in this post, I will most likely be ratted out soon enough.

Oh, how my dad loves Disneyland. NOT. :) Although, he was over excited to see Shreck and Dorah at Universal studios?

They're pretty cool, not going to lie, but people were looking at them. And the people were Jello! Like bright green Jello jealous people because my parents just have to be so hott. No big deal or anything.

My dad's best friend is Brian Simpson. They played ball together. Sometimes I overhear my dad bragging about my amazing boyfriend who is better than the Edward. When me and my dad hang out, he is always on the phone with this guy. They're bestfranns:)
If it weren't for my parents, none of this would happen. They always want to do what is best for me and make sure that I'm happy and living the life. If that means coming home on a Saturday night and reading which I do. Don't hate. But My parents are amazing. I'm not embarrassed that my mom's ring tone is Milkshake. My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard... and it makes people in a room look at me like "what? You actually like your mom?" and I'm like "shut up when your talking to me my mom is the hottest thing since Jesus invented the calender":)
I love my dad because he is friends with all my my friends, and I'm not embarrassed when he dances while they are over. Because I would dance with my father anytime. He knows how to groove, and sings to the black eyed peas whenever they're on. Which happened tonight.
Because of my parents, this gets to surprise us every Christmas. My father works so hard to provide for our family and I am SO proud of him. I love him SO much.Malibu still can't take a picture,

My parents always go the extra mile to make things great. I'm a junior in high school and I only have one more year in the house. So let's make it a great one. We always do:)
I owe it all to these two nerds who decided to get married. But I wouldn't have picked anyone else to be my parents. :)

Malibu still can't figure it out.

Malibu is really not special needs, this is actually how she poses for pictures...