Thursday, January 7, 2010

Momma Tricia is writing on Maddisons Blog...Muhaha

This photo was from Easter back in 2004...Oh how Maddison Loves Easter NOT bahahaha! She has never had ANY luck with what she calls stupid easter egg hunts! She hates that hunts are always really early, and always frezing cold, there are huge crowds and on this particular day she was embarased to even be there at this age, and to top it all off, she leaves these so called easter egg hunts with an empty basket every year..yep thats right, no easter candy or eggs or anything, just tears rolling down her face!!! I am pretty sure from this easter on she has never participated in another Easter Egg Hunt!

Having three daughters is the most rewarding and fun job a person could have! I love everything about being your Mom Maddison! You made me laugh so hard in the last post you wrote about Dad and I!!! Now it is my turn to write a Little about YOU! I Love You Darling!!
We are posers for sure! That's how I raised you from the time you could lift your head!

We froze on this day last year at the ski resort, it was like 15 below zero, I remember you were picked up on by three different guys on this day and we were all watching and laughing. Man it must be hard to have such good looks and have to fight off the boys!!! I remember when Kendell used to ride his razor scooter up and down the front side walk with his friends and Dad used to go outside and shoo them away. He would tell his friends, "These boys are swarming our house like Bees"

Oh the funny stories I could tell about you my little pretty! muhahaha

Like the one where all of you may or may not have ripped the heads off of all of your barbies...I was worried and called a psychologist just to make sure my 3 year old didn't have murdering tendencies... found out it was perfectly weird !

Or the way you used to run around the front and back yard in the nude 24/7 and put your cute little butt in the air as you drank out of the hose lying in the grass with your tongue out...oh how you loved to be in the buff, I used to beg you to put your clothes back on and you would runaway as fast as you could laughing and screaming all around the yard!

The time when your were 8 and you rode your bike with me on a long bike ride and then face planted your bike and your face into the pavement, that was the most horrible bike accident, and I remember putting huge band aids all over your face like a mummy. You were so tough and I felt so bad, but that mummy head still makes me laugh! You still have that little scar above your lip from that day! Its pretty cute actually!

The funniest thing ever was at age 5 when you tried for over 25 shots at the bean bag toss during the Halloween carnival, you were bound and determined to make a shot into the pumpkin face cut out with your bean bag... I remember the determination in your heart to make at least one shot. I finally had to bring the pumpkin face right up to your hand for you to put it right in the mouth, we were all rolling on the floor with laughter. It is actually funny because year after year you try that Halloween toss and year after year you just could not make that shot!!! (last year)haha

You may or may not fall down on your face more than anyone I know... it is so funny how you will suddenly trip yourself completely by accident in any public place, be it school, the mall, church, a restaurant. I love the way you just pick yourself up and put on a smile! You were so bow legged when you were 2 and learning how to walk, and your left pigeon toe makes you special and unique~!

The dentist trip where they had to rip your tooth our of your head and I sat on top of you while the did it because you were screaming like a loony person! I did massage your feet and get you Popsicles and your favorite movies to watch all afternoon. I am so sorry about that horrible experience to this day!

Diving off the diving board was your summer goal when you were 8 so we went to the Ashton pool every day that summer and I just remember all of the belly flops you did until you finally got it. I laughed so hard I just about died! You were one proud cookie when you finally got that beautiful dive perfected, and I took about a 100 pictures of you diving that year!

Or the time in 2000 on the Olympic Ice rink in Utah, when you did your Ice Skating routine to the music Dancing Queen by Abba! That was the best, you were warming up for the competition and you went around the ice once and looked up at all the family to see a huge crowd of family and friends there to support you, you were wearing your beautiful new purple outfit! Oh it was the sight of absolute perfection, when suddenly your blade suddenly caught an edge and you face planted it into the ice, your chin began to bleed and we patched you up and boosted your confidence and then it was time to perform. We were so proud, we threw flowers and a teddy bear onto the ice as you finished and were overjoyed when you won the silver medal !!

When you were about 10 years old, you had an All Stars performance, and during your practice right before you were to go on stage, you got lifted up in the splits on the top of the pyramid and they over extended your legs the wrong way...Wowzers that was painful, I remember your huge tears rolling down your face and Dad and I trying to comfort you and talk you through it, I remember you said, lets say a prayer so I can perform, so we walked in a little side room and Dad said a prayer, a few minutes later you said I can do it now. We went and sat in our seats and to our surprise you tumbled a huge backhadsprings tumbling pass right out onto the stage! You are a trooper and we were so proud.

I can't forget how badly you wanted a gold CTR ring in 4th grade, your Dad and I thought it was a good request so we broke down and got you one during our Temple Square trip in Utah. I remember the very next day at school you were so happy about your new ring! The happiness turned to terror only a few hours after getting to school, you were at recess and did a back handspring tumble pass in the field when your new ring went flying off your finger into the never ending grass... BUMMER!!!! The phone call from school was all tears and I came right there to look for it with you! Sad to say even the metal detector thing we brought over to the grass never found that ring! Lucky for you your Dad is a softy and bought you a new one a few years later when you were a little older! It makes for a fun story though!

I could tell a million more stories, but I hate to write and I have a trillion and one things to do today!! I will be back on here and write more, so watch your back girlie!

I cry every time you play the Taylor Swift song about Mom and daughter, and I will cherish and remember our drive into Idaho Falls where you put your IPod in and played that song for me, I bawled like a lost little kids in a store! It was precious and sweet and we have certainly been through a lot together, but being your Mom has been the most rewarding and wonderful experience anyone could ever imagine! I love everything about you!