Friday, February 6, 2009

Hangin with friends!

Awesomw People:) I have known Halle since the first day I moved into my house 4 years ago, I met her through her older sister who is a friend of my Moms and I called her up, she came right over and we hit it off immediately, I love that we are kind of opposites, I remember telling her within the first 15 min. of meeting her how I was in love with all of the Harry Potter Books and movies and I love how she was like "Oh really I don't like them at all!" She says it like it is and it is great, when I had my hair colored and it came out purplish I was like "Oh its nice." because I didn't want to hurt the stylist feelings and Halle was like "NO its not nice its PURPLE, and you need to fix it!" LOL I know shes got my back and that she is a friend I will have for a lifetime! We are like Salt and Pepper! She has a very cool fashion sense and can rock just about anything she wears and her hair is pretty freaking awesome! I'm hoping we can get into the same college and be roommates, we can hang out for days and days and never get sick of each other, Oh and I'm pretty sure she will be an Abercrombie model someday!
Jacob is to my left and he is also a friend I have had since the first Sunday I moved here. When I met him I didn't catch his name for like the first 3 months and so I called him 'the fat kid'...I know... sounds shallow and rude but srsly, I had to explain him in my journal and to my Mom and stuff and so that was what I called him, that was almost 4 years ago and a lot has changed as you can tell! Ha We are really good friends and he has done a lot for me and has really been there for me when ever I need him, he and his buddy Kaden are a lot of fun to hang out with! I love it that we don't care about what anyone else says or cares about and we all just can be ourselves, I love that they are seniors and will be graduating and off on missions soon so we can write to them and I love that they both have jobs, can drive and always are checking in on us! Super cool / dorky, friends who I Love :)

My Mom terrorizing us with the camera! aaaarrggghh

That picture was really heavy!
So every time my friends come over it is funny how my Dad hangs out with us! He always finds things for the guys to help out with, on this day he made them help rehang his picture and another huge mirror, I had to stand way up high on the ledges and thought I might plummet to my death, but luckily I didn't!
Oh how sweet, Boys will be boys!
Friends gotcha back!~
Chilling at my house with my friends, Jacob, Halle and Kayden, "Halle go sit on Kayden!" short pause and silence... Halle sitting on Kayden...
Halle and Kayden are so funny its not even funny! But its funny...