Monday, December 7, 2009

I did Cookies down the middle of the road today!

I don't like driving in the snow.

this is fact.

one of the reasons I don't like driving in the snow is because I almost died today.

First of all, my car is a summer car. not a hard-core snow tanker.

This morning on my way to school...

I spun around down the middle of the road like a gazillion times doing cookies and finally slowing down and stopping looking straight into oncoming traffic!!!!

I slowly turned around called my Mom and started bawling my eyes out, she told me to come home, that Dad had already jumped out of bed/half asleep, hair sticking straight up immediately as he heard through the phone I was in despair and was lickety split on his way to find me!

Lucky for me I was able to relax at home the rest of the day and reflect upon my fragile life! I am happy that my parents now know a BMW back wheel drive is not a safe and easy car in the snow... Needless to say I am alive and grateful for everything in the world!

I did say a little prayer in thanks for sparing my life this morning, and will pray from now on to never spin around down a busy road ever again!

Peace out-Happy Holiday Season-And Hallelujah praise the summertime dry roads people!