Saturday, November 7, 2009


so yesterday, i was being extremely lazyy. just like this.

It was bad. All I did was watch movies, eat, eat, and watch movies.

So I decided to go jogging!! It was an adventure I should write a book about.

I had just finished the first book to this one, and was in diar need to read it.
I put on my jogging shoes and pants and walked out the door.
Listening to a little adele, some good old michael buble, and some break it down half-past-pimp music:)

After a mile and a half, I came apon my first obstacle. A CROSSWALK.
So I'm waiting here on the corner where i should not be. It totally feels uncomfortable.
EVERYBODY was staring at me. One kid pointed and said something to his dad.
A gross old guy gave me the (I think your Ipod's sexy look)
I got three honks.
and almost died.

FINALLY the crosswalk turned. I turned on my music and started running.
Only to find that my shoe was untied.
I kind of went into a half-fall but savored it so that I could get across that stupid street.
some people laughed.
I was really mad.
So I told myself that in two miles I could get the book I've been looking forward to.
So I kept Running.
It was getting dark and scary. Every ping I heard from my music made me think some scary guy was following me. I was seriously ready to turn around and judo chop somebody in the juggular.
I did'nt get to:/ sad day.
It started to get windy and I came across these two people. On one side of the road, a guy was holding up a sign that said "come to our pizza place its only 5.00$!" he was gettin' down
on the corner.
On the corner I was on, while i was waiting to cross, there was a girl holding up a sign for a DIFFERENT pizza place that said
"come to our pizza place and eat for 4.95!"
Robber Barron company for sure.
Something I just learned from History .
My history teacher is the funniest guy.
This picture may or may not be lying.
The library had five minutes until it closed.
So I ran in panting.
I walked in the door and stood there. I forgot how to use a library! I was breathing really hard, and I looked to my right. This guy poked his head over the shelf and looked at me like I was wearing a costume. The funny thing was that he was so tall that I could only see his head and He looked like he was on stilts.
So I said
me- hi (breath breath), I don't know how to find books (breath breath) fast. Can you help me? Do you work here?(Breath Breath)
Tall guy- uhh no. I was just standing here and I heard someone breathing REALLY hard. So I looked to see if you were dying.
me-(breath breath) oh. well mabey thats because I just ran like four miles and i reallywantabookandIdon'tknowhowtofinditandIneedyourhelp(breath breath breath breath).
Tall guy- Riggghhhtt.
He did'nt help me find it. He liked looking at the star wars movie instead.
So I walk deeper into the abyss of books.
I see two girls standing there talking so I approach like
anada predata'
and say.
me- (breath breath) I need to find the book The Pretties, would you happen to know how to find books fast?
tweedle dum 1- uhh yeah, we WORK here.
me- (okay i'm sorry I did'nt know you WORKED here. I did'nt know WORKING here was that big of a deal. Alls I need you to do is WORK with me and WORK to find me my book!!!) Great:) will you help me?
Tweedle dum 2- Why are you all sweaty and breathing hard?
me- I just ran from black-cat(the main road that I may or may not live near that is four miles away) because i REALLY want this book.
Tweedle dum 1- walks to the book area and goes. OAP sorry. we don't have it.

Where's my rolling pin right about now? oh .. right, I can't cook so i don't have one.