Saturday, October 11, 2008

My cousin and I on the rope swing only the locals know about this little piece of heaven on earth, it was a perfect day:)Daryl, Me , Tesha, and Malia witht he new water camera my parents sent me...
 Me, Teesh and Keena

The locals diving board.... i felt like i was on into the blue or something!!
I really wonder how i smiled underwater and didn't get a whole bunch of water in my mouth...

 If anyone would've tripped on this cliff they would've plummeted to their deaths. hah

Church friends

Kerry beth, loved her!
Making fresh fruit smoothies with our church! Yummy
Fresh Hawaiian mangos and pineapple, banana smoothies

me em and austin. he thinks he's a pimp

me n' james. and his yummy burgers.

i love this photo:]

Church girlfriends, we have such a blast together!

 A Hawaii kitchen :]
IMU fundraiser with My Kailua Cheer team. he was happy... hmm.
420 lbs. of pigs butt seasoned and cooked and shredded to sell.
I think that's just a little weird.
Cheerleader friends!